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Affordable housing unit


Single and Multi-Family Residential
New Construction & Retrofit
37,000 SF (Scattered Site)
Philadelphia: Mantua

Scattered across twenty sites, this Pennsylvania Housing Financing Agency (PHFA)-funded project retrofits existing rowhomes and infills vacant lots with energy-efficient affordable housing. The project, commissioned by West Philadelphia Real Estate, aims to increase cohesion of an already vibrant neighborhood by adding a housing bracket needed throughout the city. Both existing masonry rowhomes and new-construction sites have achieved certification under the DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes program and the USGBC's LEED BD+C Homes v4 program. An example of how to transition Philadelphia’s existing rowhomes into healthy housing models, WPRE VI will reinvigorate the neighborhood with equitable, all-electric, climate-conscious living.

WPRE scattered sites


U.S. Green Building Council LEED BD+C Homes v4 GOLD Certification- Project Directory
U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Zero Energy Ready Home Certification

Building Envelope (New Construction)

Slab On Grade: R-10

Above Grade Walls: R-27.6

Roof: 61.6

Windows: Average SHGC 0.3, average U-Value 0.3

Building Envelope (Retrofit)

Slab On Grade: R-10

Below Grade Walls: R-28

Above Grade Walls: R-21

Roof: R-49

Windows: Average SHGC 0.4, average U-Value 0.32

Building Systems

Power/Fuel Source(s): All electric

Heating & Cooling: Air-source heat pump

Ventilation: Energy recovery ventilation

Hot Water: Electric water heater

Appliances: Energy-Star

LED lighting


Sam Oberter

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