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Multi-Family Residential
New Construction & Retrofit 
19,000 SF
Philadelphia: Kensington

This fourteen-unit, multi-family development consists of two opposing buildings that share a central courtyard. Located on a street-to-street parcel, Kensington Yards was developed in two phases. Phase one began with the restoration and addition to a nineteenth century rowhome, while phase two focused on the construction of a new structure at the rear of the property. The architect encouraged the owner to abandon initial plans of demolishing the existing structure and instead use the home as a generator for meaningful development. Outside of resolving the technical challenges between these intra-generational buildings (floor levels, structural systems), the design team also worked to understand the shared abstract relationships. Incorporating formal elements into the modern addition like a covered grocer’s alley and arched façade motifs, the project illustrates the value of preserving Philadelphia’s rich history and using it as a catalyst for regeneration.




Building Envelope

Slab On Grade: R-10
Above Grade Walls: R-26
Roof: R-54



Dave Apple 

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