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Mixed Use: Residential & Commercial
Adaptive Reuse
3,500 SF
Philadelphia: East Parkside

Working to create a replicable model for redevelopment and resiliency within their community, Centennial Parkside CDC obtained a shuttered property in a once-thriving commercial corridor to house their headquarters with an affordable rental apartment above. In addition to providing flexible program space for the CDC’s core initiatives of facilitating affordable housing, promoting homeownership, developing Black owned businesses, providing food education, and establishing a community solar network, CPCDC used their building as a test case for broader neighborhood implementation. The team explored a wide range of low carbon, energy efficient strategies while prioritizing opportunities for local hiring and minority workforce development. The resulting design blends technical solutions with community touchstones.




Building Metrics

Predicted Energy Use Intensity (pEUI): 35 kBtu/sf/yr (as designed)

Predicted Energy Use Intensity (pEUI): 22 kBtu/sf/yr (with addition of future rooftop solar PV array)

Predicted Embodied Carbon (modeled): 56 CO2e (A1-A3 Cradle to Gate)

Building Envelope

Slab On Grade: R-7.2

Above Grade Walls: R-17 Min. 

Crawl Space Floor: R-54

Roof: R-47.4

Windows: Average SHGC .22, average U-Value .24

Building Systems

Power / Fuel Source(s): All electric

Renewable Energy: Solar ready

Heating & Cooling: Mini-split heat pump

Ventilation: Energy recovery ventilator

Hot Water: Heat pump water heater

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